Third World Ant

The thoughts of a little ant on a big planet.

Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Pimp Your Ride: Entry 1

Pimp Your Ride: Entry 1

So, the Gilb and I were lovingly sleeping, holding each other in a restful embrace, and awoke to the sweet chatter of starlings in the morning. Rewind. Erase. Starlings may chatter, but never sweetly. Rewind. Pause…restful embrace? I just realised that I’ve never slept next to someone without consciously being aware of their presence when I’ve tossed and turned in the night, which requires more exhausting conscious effort in the exercise of tossing and turning in your sleep without waking the other half up. And they wonder about the bags under your eyes. Do people ever get totally used to the idea of unconsciously sharing a bed together? If so, how long does it take? Are we all bound to bachelordom (or even worse, spinsterhood, now there’s a gross word) because of our sleep patterns? Are marriages made and broken on the Sealy triple-spring extra-length mattress because one partner got the better springs? Zzzzzzz….sweet lone sleep calls.


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