Third World Ant

The thoughts of a little ant on a big planet.

Monday, May 09, 2005

everything and nothing

Let me share a riveting fact I learnt this weekend, whilst reading my thoroughly engaging bill bryson's "short history of nearly everything". being a chemist by training, i of course should have stumbled on the thought earlier, but being a sluggish chemist by training, i didn't. the atom is composed of a nucleus, which takes up one millionth of a billionth of the total space in the atom, and a haze of electron clouds surrounding it (where all electrons simultaneously occupy, and don't occupy, all the space - an interesting ramification of quantum theory, but i digress). given that the atom is profoundly empty, it means that 2 snooker balls that hit each other should actually pass through each other unhindered. what stops this from happening? it is purely the electronic repulsion between the electrons on the outermost layers of the balls. The balls never touch, their electronic repulsion pushes them apart before that happens. (he explains what causes the noise of their 'encounter' but i forgot it already, goldfish that i am). think about that, while you 'sit' on your chair. you are levitating 1 angstrom above the seat material. oooooh, science is exciting, isn't it?

onto matters of greater consequence to spacetime: strip/fuck did in fact end two weeks ago - on that cursed night i went to watch defending the friggin' caveman! and what is it about desperate housewives that has people in such a frenzy? i am becoming addicted too, but for the bloody life of me, i don't know why.

hope you took your mommies somewhere special this sunday, or at least pretended to care by calling them just before they went to sleep, after your friend/sibling/neighbour/partner reminded you countless times. i for one, am a terrible daughter, with a sibling who consistently shows me up in this regard. next lifetime, i swear, mom!


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