Third World Ant

The thoughts of a little ant on a big planet.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Email to the world

I hereby take it upon myself to:

1. Not give a flying fuck what your religious predispositions (if any) are. I won’t challenge you on your beliefs in any form more vicious than the occasional debate, but I’ll not hold it against you, we’ll still be mates after that.

2. Not judge you based on your skin colour, your gender, your age, your sexual preferences, your accent, your salary. After all, everyone’s fool is someone else’s idol, so who knows who’s laughing at me? I’ll judge you rather on the strength of your virtues, and if we’re close enough, will help you sort out the vices, and hope you help me sort out mine. Let’s sit down together over a pleasant cup of Earl Grey, and find out more about each other, with no agenda greater than to learn more about this fascinating species we’re part of.

3. Allow you to have your opinions on the way your country should be run, without bull-dozing my country’s governance style onto yours. What works for me won’t necessarily work for you. I also promise to have faith that if your country’s people are not happy with the way it is being run, they will take the appropriate steps to change it, and that I only need consider stepping in if you ask for my assistance.

4. Show a little more respect for the planet – this awesome, bounteous and variegated home may just be the only habitat for such rare complex combinations of molecules that breathe. As far as I’m aware, none of these molecular compositions have given permission to the human species to deplete it of natural resources in as crass, determined, long-standing, methodical and destructive a way as we have. Earth, forgive me for my wasteful use of your body, I hope to remember how easily my forefathers survived without the many modern ‘conveniences’ I seem to rely so heavily on today.


If you sign this oath and send it on to 6 billion people in the next few days, world peace could be accomplished!

If you send to it to any number less than that, human behaviour will continue to wreak havoc across the planet...


At 8:56 am, Blogger Dan Lurie said...

Would this be considered spam? ;)

At 9:18 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

feeling existential, are we?

At 10:38 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Morning Ant,

This is way too deep for me this early in the morning...

But yes, we should not judge.

At 10:41 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

death to the ego, i say!
The world would just be a much nicer place if people didn't feel the need to prove themselves better all the time.

At 11:38 am, Blogger Revolving Credit said...

Ooo....lets start a 'free-love' commune, distill our own whiskey and hug some bunnies while grinding organic wheat with our stone mill, singing Kumbaya.

(A bit of weed may aid this whole experience)

At 11:53 am, Blogger Third World Ant said...

Other-duke - most likely!

3rd - nope, just fed up with the news coverage the Middle East hostilities keep getting, and the futility of it all...

Somali - howdy.

Jam - amen! It really is a pissing contest, isn't it?

Rev - I'm not a bunny-hugger by any stretch of the imagination, but yeah, let's distill whiskey and have a fun-loving riot...

At 12:39 pm, Blogger Revolving Credit said...

Well if you don't want to hug the bunny, lets eat it.

How about a sumptuous Rabbit & Sage Fricassee accompanied by a fair measure of Lagavulin served with on ice?

At 1:11 pm, Blogger Third World Ant said...

Dear Rev, you're on. As long as it can all be finished off with a good cuppa, I'm pleased. You cooking?

At 1:19 pm, Blogger Revolving Credit said...

I feel a bit like Glenn Close - I egt to boil the rabbit..LOL

At 1:46 pm, Blogger Peas on Toast said...

Dude, it's the Middle East crap isn't it??

Then I'm with you.

And I'm on it. Sending this to everybody I know, that is. :)

At 3:37 pm, Blogger Third World Ant said...

Rev - I have no doubt that you can turn any comment to something sex-related in less than 3 sentences! But yet, if feeling like Glenn Close floats your boat, who am I to stop you? Provided the yummy meal follows, of course :)

Peas - spam away, deary :)

At 3:50 pm, Blogger ATW said...

Perhaps if 6bn people visited your blog....?

Rev. Everything in life can be reduced to a sexual analogy.

Ant re: point 2: If you are everyone's fool and I would take the population of everyone to include me, then you can't be my idol (even if was the "someone else"). That would be tragic.

But I agree, if we all sat down and drank tea together (any type) the world would be happier.

At 12:21 pm, Blogger Third World Ant said...

Wit - now you're taking your Bertrand Russell logic too far, and confusing us all in the process :)
Now here's a Q: can I be your idol and you be mine? What laws of logic would that disobey?


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