Third World Ant

The thoughts of a little ant on a big planet.

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Google knows everything… even what you should eat for dinner

Let me jump on the bandwagon of praise for Google – I love them, their free great products, their spirit of innovation and general spunk at taking on the big guys of the IT world (of course, in doing so, becoming big guys too).

A while back I came across a site that does a Google battle between two subjects to see which is the winner (based purely on the number of hits Google generates for each). Check it out at Some of the classic battles include:

God vs Satan
George Bush vs Bin Laden
Pen vs Sword
Luke Skywalker vs Darth Vader
America vs Iraq
Microsoft vs The Law

I thought I’d do my own little Google battle on a short number of critical issues – here are the results:


White = 1,860,000,000
Black = 1,470,000,000
Red = 1,260,000,000
Green = 1,030,000,000
Blue = 922,000,000
Pink = 211,000,000

(Surprising how high green fared in relation to blue. It appears white’s the new black and pink never was. Hmmm.)


Cheddar = 9,840,000
Brie = 8,210,000
Parmesan = 7,910,000
Mozzarella = 7,050,000
Gorgonzola = 3,150,000
Roquefort = 2,930,000
Camembert = 2,390,000
Edam = 2,160,000
Emmenthaler = 76,700

(So for all the French/Swiss bragging about cheese as their national pride, seems the world is most hooked on an English variety, with a fair amount of infatuation with Italian varieties.)

Ant vs Peas celebrity crushes:

Peas: Jake Gyllenhaal = 4,320,000
Ant: Joaquin Phoenix = 4,420,000

(male actor crush – Score 1-0 to the Ant, thank you very much).

Ant: Scarlett Johansonn = 10,200,000 (excluding the 250,000 for the incorrectly spelt Scarlett Johannson)
Peas: Alicia Keys = 9,640,000

(female celebrity crush – Score 2-0 to the Ant).

Ant: Pharrell Williams = 2,490,000
Peas: Eminem = 37,400,000

(male rapper crush – Score 2-1 to the Ant).

For shits and giggles, I googled the Gilb’s crush – nay, obsession – Jessica Alba: 20,100,000 hits. That shleb who can’t get out of the limelight, Paris Hilton, scores a whopping 86,800,000 (which, fyi, is more than double the number of hits for George W Bush).

Fictional characters:

Garfield = 58,000,000
James Bond = 33,300,000
Sherlock Holmes = 12,700,000
Tinkerbell = 5,940,000
Powerpuff Girls = 3,530,000
Calvin (Calvin and Hobbes) = 3,340,000
Jack Bauer (24) = 2,970,000
Dee dee (Dexter’s sister) = 1,110,000
Seven of Nine (Star Trek Voyager) = 600,000
Marvin the Martian = 427,000
Leela (Futurama) = 320,000
Ugly Naked Guy = 27,700

(I’m surprised how high Sherlock Holmes is in relation to the others; also, that Seven of Nine outdoes Captain Janeway so substantially, with her measly 152,000 hits.)

Blog sites:

Boing Boing = 24,500,000
Post Secret = 1,580,000
Tomato Nation = 180,000
Peas on Toast = 12,300
Third World Ant = 305

(Looks like I really am an ant in the blogworld, even more so than in South Africa!)

So all-knowing Google, what should I eat for dinner tonight?

Chicken = 164,000,000
Artichokes = 3,300,000
Crunchy Nut Cornflakes = 16,900

Okay. And to drink afterwards?

Earl Grey = 2,180,000
Rooibos = 1,680,000
Filter coffee = 292,000

That’s my Google!


At 3:47 pm, Blogger Third World Ant said...

Dear peanut, this is a sever case of the pot calling the kettle black, isn't it?!

Thanks anyhoo!

At 5:24 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Umm, Ant, that's
Scarlett Johansson I believe.

Double Ess.

Wikipedia agrees

Which makes her score a "waving big breasts-in-Ms Key's-face" 12,200,000 results.


Interesting that the "Scarlett Johannson" vs "Scarlett Johansson" score is equal. Google must be too clever for us.

At 1:37 pm, Blogger Third World Ant said...

I hang my head in shame, Shaun! Believe it or not, I actually do know how to spell the beauty's name, but unfathomably spelt it incorrectly here...

Indeed, Google knows everything.

At 8:51 am, Blogger Dan Lurie said...

Scarlett Johansson is my current desktop wallpaper, WoW!

I Googlefought MacDonalds vs Coca Cola, Coke won hands down.

At 9:22 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice one Ant.
I did happy vs sad
Happy: 705,000,000 results
Sad: 233,000,000 results
Being sad loses!
Wanker: 3,050,000 results
Saint: 526,000,000 results
Wait - I am starting to wonder if this has any basis in reality...
Hope you have a happy day!

At 10:03 am, Blogger Third World Ant said...

Other-duke - impeccable taste. There's something... ethereal about her. Mmmmm...

Jam - saints is an all-inclusive word for do-gooders, 'wankers' go by many alternative names.

So the true count should be wankers + arseholes + assholes + bastards + twits + idiots + morons.

I'll check on this and get back to you!

At 3:22 pm, Blogger Peas on Toast said...

Ant my darling little poenniepie, this is brilliant. I wanna do it, I wanna do it!

At 1:56 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ditto Peas, brilliant post, Ant, now I'm offski to go play with my Google ' o meter!

At 4:10 pm, Blogger Third World Ant said...

Peas - I'm waiting on you for a response on the total 'wanker' count!

Dave - a dangerous game, dude. You get sucked in and can't get out!

At 4:27 pm, Blogger ATW said...

To drink tonight ..
Beer ...about* 184,000,000

Beats the 6th Earl endorsed product by far.

*What is this "about" all about? Surely google know how many hits it actually has made?

At 5:22 pm, Blogger Third World Ant said...

Now ATW, play fairly.

'Tea', at 229,000,000 vastly outdoes your 'Beer'.

'Earl Grey' at 2,180,000, vastly outdoes your 'Hansa Pilsener'.

Tut, tut.


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