Third World Ant

The thoughts of a little ant on a big planet.

Friday, August 18, 2006

More things that are irritating me immensely

I did think the list in my recent “list of irritating things” post was oddly short. Forgive me while I expand:

1. The fact that no restaurant in Joburg – no matter how pricey – knows the meaning of ‘seared tuna’. Sitting in an upmarket restaurant for lunch the other day, I saw that the fish of the day was tuna. Now I’ve had experiences in Jozi restaurants in the past that warned me not to tempt fate, but hell, I’m stubborn and hopeful, so went ahead. “Do you do the tuna seared?” The waitress had to go ask the chef (huge warning sign, duh!) then came back, adamant that it could indeed be done. “As in, the equivalent of a blue fillet? Just sealed for a few seconds on either side?” She nodded – a bit too violently, in retrospect – so I ordered it. To my detriment, of course. In the rather unlikely event that any Joburg chef (or chef’s friend, spouse, relative, neighbour) happens to read this, please be informed that tuna is more like meat than fish! Yes, we enjoy rare meat, and may want our tuna in that state too (sushi, after all, is popular cuisine, is it not?)

2. When men shake your hand like it’s made of candyfloss. I’m a female, not a delicate piece of china. My bones won’t break, promise. A firm handshake for all work or social introductions, please!

3. The fact that, despite rising petrol prices and its ever-diminishing supply, manufacturers are making bigger cars that glug more petrol than older ones did. Why? Traffic is becoming heavier and smaller cars are more convenient for city driving and parking, anyway, so what gives?

Okay, that’s enough ranting, just had to get it off my chest. Thank you, I feel ever so slightly better.

Ps: while watching Fifth Gear last night, that lesser cousin of Top Gear, I heard a line that would be a great excuse to use for a car accident insurance claim: the steering wheel stopped communicating with the wheels! (more likely, your mouth stopped communicating with your brain, but hey, it’s worth a shot!)


At 11:54 am, Blogger ATW said...

1. I suspect that your dear waitron thought that blue fillet was a species of tuna.

2. I didn't know that Ities shook hands? Thought it was all loud hugs, back slapping and slobbery cheek kisses..:)

3. Clint Eastwood's rule number 9 -"You are what you drive". Who wants to drive something sensible, convenient and economical and be considered the same?

PS I've posted the other 9 of Clint's rules on my blog.

At 12:17 pm, Blogger Third World Ant said...

Shorty - yay! Ant&Pam Fish Cuisine courses are in definite order!

Peanut - I've heard rumours, but never got around to it. If I give it a go, and it comes back flaky, I'll be making butter out of your ass, you hear! (but thanks for the heads up)

Wit - back in the blogosphere at last, I see! Ities only shake hands with people that aren't worthy of the hug, slap & slop welcome (unfortunately, too many of these people also fall into the limp handshake category too... perhaps the Eskimoes are on to something...) I'll duly check out the rules right now.

At 12:48 pm, Blogger Third World Ant said...

PS: Wit - how about cheap, easy and zippy?

I drive a Corsa, and apparently that's what the car says about the driver...

You, in your bakkie are:

dodgy, cranky, slow!

OK, got you back, feeling better now. Peace?

At 1:27 pm, Blogger Dan Lurie said...

Jeremy Clarkson is a legend!

Not intentionally trying to plug my own blog here, but i blogged about a similar thing recently:

At 1:31 pm, Blogger Dan Lurie said...

testing something out

Ahh, that's how to include links in the comments!!

At 3:37 pm, Blogger ATW said...

"Dodgy, cranky, slow" & then you call a truce...Not a chance, O cheap & easy one.

From tomorrow I have 10 days in Mumbai & then the same in Seoul to mull over a suitably barbed response (guess that confirms the slow, though?).

At 8:12 am, Blogger ATW said...

If you want small,zippy,noisy,economical,anarchic then you should see the vehicles in Mumbai. Our taxi drivers are a tame breed compared, and not a fraction as brave as the riksha drivers here.

I'm still mulling on response to the aforementioned slight of my character.

At 11:51 am, Blogger Third World Ant said...

Other-duke - you're going to have to teach me how to do that - can't damn figure it out!

Wit - take your time, you dodgy slow bastard!

But really, 'twas only a joke :)

Take many many pics on your travels, you're going to the parts of the world I'm dying most to see. Excruciatingly detailed blog posts lie in your near future, I predict...


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