Third World Ant

The thoughts of a little ant on a big planet.

Monday, January 09, 2006

All things genital

First, the lady bits. You may remember that a while back I revealed one of my deepest darkest secrets - not being able to pee in a public toilet if other people were present. While some girls I've spoken to (surely there must also be guys out there who suffer similar bathroom angst?) admit to finding it a bit awkward letting out that tinkling trickle in an otherwise quiet bathroom, I have never been able to go, preferring to suffer the pain and discomfort of an imploding bladder than the humiliation of the tinkle. And, you'll remember I threatened to go see a psychologist about this frustrating issue. Which I did this morning. He was a hypnotherapist (yes, yes I know you're sceptical but listen to this: after ONE minute of talking to me with my eyes closed, he asked me to open them AND I COULDN'T!), recommended to me by a friend. I won't relate all the personal stuff that he brought up from my childhood that apparently manifested itself in this way (and he reckons there are others), but I'm going to buy shares in Kleenex and then recommend that all my friends go for a few sessions with him. He has boxes and boxes sitting there on the table, and you just know it's going to get emotional.

Yoiu're busy wondering if it worked - well, I haven't had the opportunity to test it yet. He says it will take a while to convince myself I can do it, but with a bit of time it should flow freely, so to speak.

Right, now for the man bits. A certain man I know (whose identity for embarrassment's sake, I shall withhold) does not know whether or not he's been circumcised. A conversation with my flatmate caused me to carry out a survey of the guys I know, all of whom are aware of their circumcision status, save this bloke. I've sent him a few pics from Google Images to help him along (he's too embarrassed to ask his Mom, and so he should be, in his mid-twenties after all!), and though he's convinced he wasn't circumcised as a child, he tells me his pee-pee looks more like the circumcised ones in the pictures. He won't send me a pic of his for my objective opinion, though. Anyhow, I've stuck in a few pics for your enlightenment, or confirmation of circumcision status, if need be, but assuming you all know what the chopped and unchopped version look like, I'm not going to annotate. Enjoy!


At 2:06 pm, Blogger Peas on Toast said...

As the flatmate, I need to see a picture of this man's pee pee. I don't know how you gonna do it dollface, but this needs to be rectified once and for all.


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