Third World Ant

The thoughts of a little ant on a big planet.

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Ant go bye-bye!

In all my blabbering on about stuff, I forgot to mention that I'm off to Nam for the long weekend (alright, alright - Nam', not 'nam, but it just sounds more exciting). The Gilb and I are doing Windhoek and Swakopmund, with one of our flights paid by Voyager credits - thanks to my excessive credit card use. I picked up my new credit card this morning, so there'll be plenty further abuse from tonight onwards.

Oh, and on another point - I laughed when I saw Peas's post about road rage, I came into the office yesterday unbelievably tense after 4 jerk's maneouvres in the morning traffic jam. It occurred to me that a lot of the bastards pulling these rude road moves are probably the sickeningly 'chivalrous' types who insist they always open a door for women (or stand up when a woman enters the room etc), but have absolutely no problem cutting a woman off in the traffic. "So long as she's in a car, she's weaker than me in my car, and I'm going to cut her off" type of thing. Because it's always men who do it, I've very seldom come across women who do. But let me stop there, because I can feel my rage from yesterday returning.

Happy long weekend y'all, I'm only back in the 'burg (and not the burg') on Wednesday!


At 4:38 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Enjoy your long weekend...from what I hear being cutt off in traffic shouldn't be a big problem there. ;-)

At 10:37 am, Blogger Peas on Toast said...

Enjoy my little Antoloni!

At 11:06 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The only thing to do is take a deep, calming breath and console yourself with the sure knowledge that guys who cut other people off in the traffic only do so as an expression of the impotent rage they feel at have really small penises.


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