Third World Ant

The thoughts of a little ant on a big planet.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Down and out, but with bog roll

Grief. What a stinking fuss. Thought I’d just publish a pic – you can guess where my support lies. Only because the reaction was vastly out of proportion with the crime.

Anyhoo. Back to the real, rational world. I’ve been slogging away on three business proposals, each of which has somehow met a dead-end. The Midas touch.

I’ve been feeling that, in a flurry of New Year’s goodwill, I’ve taken on far, far too much, and am revisiting that sensation of wanting to be hospitalised so that someone can look after me and take on all my responsibilities for a bit. But hopefully this sinking feeling will pass, and Lolo will be back to her usual chirpy, happy-go-lucky self.

Until then, a brief definition of stupidity and embarrassment:

A friend tells you his soon-to-be other half will leave her country (she's from the Czech Republic) and come to live with him in SA. "What do you think?" he asks. "Well," I say, imagining her to be an ordinary lady like myself, "you know how hard it will be for her to find work in SA - she'll probably have to work as a waitress." "Um, no" he replies. "She's quite in demand at the moment, and will be travelling internationally on her modelling contract." D'oh!

And, an uplifting moment was had when Peas informed me that she brought a little present for me from that renowned abode of that renowned SA family: a couple of pieces of three-ply toilet paper. That should last me the rest of the week! Happy flushing, y'all...


At 10:57 am, Blogger Peas on Toast said...

Dude face, next time I'll nick the platinum tongs from the ice bucket that sits in the hall. Ah the thrill. :)

By the way, Zuzula wrote a blog entry about the Mohammed acrtoon fiasco today as well. Take a look:
mwah xx


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