Third World Ant

The thoughts of a little ant on a big planet.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

All things fnu-related

If you don’t know, don’t ask.

1. I have some kidney-related illness. It must be terminal – this amount of pain cannot be survived, surely. It feels like someone is using my kidneys as punching bags, my pee is electric highlighter pink and is accompanied by a stinging sensation. It all started while I was sitting on the loo – more about that in point #2 – at the Jolly. Being marginally inebriated, I thought that I must have stretched funnily when I stood up, because there was a bolt of pain in my lower back, on the left side. That pain persisted all through the night, which kept poor Gilb up (when he’s in Jozi over weekends, on extremely rare occasions he’ll spend Sunday night here too and leave on Monday at 4:30am. Being a creature of comfort, it is extremely important to him that he feels he has a good night’s rest. Being a creature who enjoys his company, I aim to ensure he’s as happy as can be when staying over on a Sunday night – my rolling around and constant getting up last night did little convince him to entertain the idea on an on-going basis. But I digress, vastly). Knowing how concerned you all are about my wellbeing, I’ll keep you painstakingly informed of the developments. Hopefully getting a chance to see the doctor tomorrow.

2. At a birthday lunch on Sunday, the topic of conversation turned to the use of public toilets, largely because I admitted to needing an urgent pee at the Zoo Lake the other day, and remarked on how all the loo seats had been stolen. “You didn’t actually use the toilet, did you?” some girls asked, horrified. “Hell yes, when you’ve got to go, you’ve got to go. Fortunately I had some old used tissues on me to serve as toilet paper – there was none in the bathroom.” What emerged was one of two possibilities: a) I am far, far too lax about hygiene concerns in public places (as you’ll remember, my chief concern is about being heard doing my business in the toilet) and risk picking up hepatitis or some dreaded venereal disease (ohmygod! I just realised – what if the infection described in point #1 is a result of this callous excretory behaviour?); or b) some girls are just far too ahem, anal, about using public loos. Two of the girls carry a spray from Dischem that you can use to clean the seat – and one of those girls still then hovers over the toilet bowl! Another drives home from work about twice a day to potty in the happy comfort of her own bathroom (admittedly only 10 minutes away from her office). What this kind of behaviour is making evident to me is the reason for the phenomenon of very long queues always found in ladies’ loos in public places – girls are frantically spritzing, wiping and hovering – a small fraction of this time is actually consumed with the business of relieving oneself. And then there’s the saga of not touching the toilet door handle, washing your hands without touching the taps, drying your hands thoroughly, and barging through the bathroom door by kicking with your foot (this handle is also dirty) while hoping no-one is going to be knocked out on the other side. It’s almost a better idea for these lasses not to wash their hands at all after using the loo, methinks (okay, just joking – if there’s one hygiene practice I’m fussy about, it’s that. Wash your hands. Always.)

3. Our new office development, which our company will occupy from the beginning of next month, have abnormally low toilets. I never noticed it at the beginning, but my boss took one look at them the other day, and declared them unfit for grown-up use. Turns out there are SABS standards for the height of a toilet seat from the ground, and ours are 2cm below the minimum accepted height. So for the time being, we’ll be practicing the bathroom limbo. How low can you go?

4. I have decided I hate La Senza underwear. While it looks gorgeous, it’s scratchy and uncomfortable. The little extra crotch piece (this must have a proper name – anyone?) is cut wrong and sewn in at 6 precarious points. The underwear inevitably shuffles its way right up your backside, too – if I’d wanted a g-string, I’d have bought one, thank you very much. Ugh. (random aside: the toilet crew of point #2 inform me that La Senza is a Canadian brand. I thought that Italian designers would have had more design prowess, so I’m relieved that they have been absolved of this fashion crime.)

May all your bathroom endeavours be clean and peaceful, y’all…


At 10:03 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I confess. In terms of the Zoo Lake crowd, I am very bad hygenically too when it comes to toilets. But I've never caught anything - so - it's mostly in the mind of the excretor as to how unhygenic a place is. Once you've travelled to places like the Far East, you see toilets in a new light.
Hope you're okay and feel better.

At 10:09 am, Blogger KaB said...

I hate going to public loos, poof -no thanks! Re: La Senza underwear, I totally agree with you! What's up with the 'jockey-type cute ass shorts' that ride up your arse? They're not suppose to do that...I even checked in the mirror to see if my bottom had expanded but alas, it has not & the underwear has not shrunk! What is going on?

Nothing makes sense anymore!

At 12:03 pm, Blogger Third World Ant said...

Jam - that's so true. I remember being horrified by the 'loos' in a Turkish airport. Our toilets are nothing on those!

Unfortunately, not feeling any better, dousing myself with Myprodol until the doctor can see me.

Kabintsimbi - a) interesting name. what does it mean? b) What's going on with the La Senza underwear is that it's crap! Cut badly, poorly sewn together, yet they have no qualms in charging far too much for it.

At 12:16 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Ant,

When you have to go... you have to go!! And then when you finally come out the loo (after disinfecting everything) the girls will look at you and go ''What the hell have you been doing in there for so long?''

I am a G-String kind of girl, so I do not have a comment on La Senza.

With regards to your kidneys - Go see a Doctor ASAP, I previously had a kidney infection (not enough water) And I even started getting stomach cramps and lots more pain (was off work for three days)

Keep well,

At 12:25 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

All this toilet talk made me hunt down this post from Stephen Fry's blog.

The link's a bit slow so here is the best bit: "We will never alter this one ineluctable fact about ourselves however. We stink. My god how we hate to be reminded of it and my god how much that reluctance to face it should tell us about its centrality to our existecne. We shower, we smear and spray ourselves with product, we defecate into artfully designed porcelain which takes away the ordure invisibly and more or less odourlessly. When we die we are embalmed, burned or interred before we have time to pong. Take away the sewage systems, take away the running water, take away the morticians and within days our stink is beyond that which can be endured. Every cell of our body is composed of stuff so malodorous than one whiff of it will empty stomachs at fifty paces. It doesn't matter whether we are white, black, rich, poor, virtuous, vicious, healthy or addled. We all stink. "My offence is rank, it smells to heaven" as Claudius said for us all. It is our true original sin, the primal shame that haunts us."

At 12:30 pm, Blogger KaB said...

kab = initials & intsimbi is my surname in isiXhosa...just a little something one or two of my family members like to use or refer to ourselves as!

Just so you it don't use it!

Catch you on the flip side!

At 3:18 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

My friend

You have a kidney stone!!!

Push fluids, drink citrosoda and go see your GP. You'll need at the very least an abdominal XRAY. a U&E (blood test) and perhaps even a kidney ultrasound. If the stones are too large to pass you may need lithotripsy (Ultrasonic breakup of the stones)

Probably a consequence of too much drinking and red meat. Take it easy and lay off the alcohol.


At 4:56 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The discomfort caused by underwear is inversely proportional to how good it looks. I suspect that a disproportionate amount of "sexy" underwear is designed by men and is made deliberately uncomfortable so that the ladies wearing it will have a greater incentive to remove it as swiftly as possible.

At 7:34 pm, Blogger Revolving Credit said...

Sounds like a kidney stone(eina).

I do wonder though how whiskey would taste with citrosoda - there's got to be away of using this to your benefit.

Ant to Boss over lunch:
'Sorry, cant' have a can of coke with lunch, bad for the kidney stone. Doc says I should stick to Whiskey & (Citro)Soda'

Some guy has designed the lingerie based on how it looks, not how it fits.
If you don't like it, maybe you should wear any at all.

"extra crotch piece" = fanny patch

At 10:43 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, you have an absolutely incredible writing style. I thoroughly enjoy it.

You should probably see a doctor ASAP, self-diagnonsis can be horribly wrong!

I guess this is one of those times where I gloat about how amazingly-super-awesomely-cool it is to be a male and incidentally, pee anywhere.

I do not take dumps in public toilets though. That's where I draw the line. If I really need to go, I'll rush off home or to a safe-dump-zone.

I cannot empathise with regards to the underwear; I can only imagine the extreme discomfort a G-string must bring, let alone a pseudo-G-string!

Great blog.

At 11:37 am, Blogger Third World Ant said...

Saw the doctor this morning. Ladies and gents, I have my first UTI/kidney infection! Woo-hoo! What the doctor was politely trying to explain as the cause was "you wiped a number 2 up your number 1 hole" or "your boyfriend's dick is filthy, he should wash more often." Apparently women have these infections far more often than men, because of the proximity of the in and out holes to each other.

Somali - I'm hoping that if I take the pills, I'll avoid the kind of pain you're talking about. Ouch! Don't have time to lie in bed these days...

Wit - snortles all round! STILL haven't got around to buying / lending a Stephen Fry book. Have you listen to the radio show episodes yet? The man is a genius.

Kab - asked a colleague, she says intsimbi means metal. Now what metal starts with a B? Bling? (beryllium, barium do too, but that's less funny I guess)

Anon - your diagnosis was wrong, my friend! I'm relieved there will be no passing of large sharp crystals through my delicate ureter. Whew!

Kyk - too true. Did the same rationale apply to tampons before Lillets came around? ;)

Rev - have a mentor lunch today; will try this one out! (although my mentor will probably be the first one ordering the alcohol, if I know him). If my underwear gets anymore uncomfortable, I'll be going commando a whole lot more often. (used to do this routinely on the first Friday of the month with a friend, by the by. We used to call it 'free-range Fridays').

Kev - *blush*. Thank you. (both for the compliment and for waving the 'men pee standing up' card in my face).
It is a very rare person who freely takes a dump in a public place, so I know you're not alone there. And penises have their uses too, I guess.

At 1:30 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

V Glad to see that you're still alive & kicking and hopefully on the mend. (It must be the type of terminal illness that hurts like hell till the hurting ends rather than that which hurts like hell till the life ends).

Sat Nite Fry. Awe at his wit.

intsimbi also means 'beads' I think which might fit the initials although there are no Bead/Beads or Beed/s in the whole of SA phone book. There is a Beedy & plenty Beadons.?

At 5:15 pm, Blogger Third World Ant said...

Wit - it appears the terminal illness would be of the former sort, who would have guessed? I should be all clear by Sunday (unless the E. coli antibiotic he gave me is incorrect and I'm one of the 2% who get a different bacterial infection, but that would be a paranoid concern to have right now).

Apparently the intsimbi beads are those used specifically by igqirha, or sangomas, my colleague tells me.

At 10:24 am, Blogger boldly benny said...

Try this one... after drinking two litres of water and not following my mom's rule of "always go to the loo before a car trip" because I needed the loo but chronically in Jan Smuts traffic. I was reduced to driving with crossed legs - quite interesting maintaining clutch control in this position. I eventually pulled over at the dodgiest garage along the road and bolted for the loo. As Somali says... when you have to go, you have to go!

Hope the infection clears up super soon - nothing worse than feeling like you're peeing battery acid!

At 9:02 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

extra crotch piece = gusset


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