Third World Ant

The thoughts of a little ant on a big planet.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Sea, sweat and sex with strangers

Well here I am, sitting in a large corporate office in Cape Town, where my usual IT luxuries have been taken away from me: I’ve had to fight for an adaptor that will allow me to connect my laptop to power (because normal three-prong plugs aint good enough and no supplier has stock of the right kind, not even our client), I have zippo connectivity for Internet and email (thanks to the colleague who lent me his iBurst for a few precious minutes), and up until half an hour ago any time I left the building someone had to come down from the 7th floor to let me back in.

Not all’s difficult though – I am wearing my fabulous new bright red peep-toe stilettos, and out the corner of my eye can see the lustful/jealous stares of the strangers as I walk past their honeycomb desk hives. This infinitely improves my mood, of course. And tomorrow I’ll don the new bright green pair (how many green pairs of high heels can a lass have, I wonder? Four and counting, and still nowhere near my fill) bought in aid of that best day of the year, St Paddy’s.

I went for a jog yesterday along the beach in Hout Bay, and that eternal question popped into my head: why do we choose to live in Joburg when the sea, mountain and longer summer days are to be had in Cape Town? (I already know the answer to this rhetorical question, of course).

Anyhow, 2 little anecdotes to relate: firstly, my boyfriend has informed me he’s officially joined a thpinning class. Yes, folks, in the midst of manly, traditional Secunda, the Sasol gym (where the clientele is 90% male) has a thpinning class where big hairy men (and one woman who apparently looks decidedly unattractive in her yellow lycra cycling shorts) gather for a communal session of sweaty peddling. I asked him not to tell me about it every time he goes, I’m mortified. [“Oh, so my boyfriend rode the Duzi this weekend, and is doing the Paris to Dakar next weekend. What’s yours do?”. “Um, you know, thpinning. But he used to play action cricket until they closed the venue last week.”]

[And apologies to all the spinners out there who I’ve just insulted. Well, maybe.]

Secondly, I was driving back from Parys for an emergency work trip on Sunday night, when I stopped (as one does) at the toll gate to pay, and the dude proceeded to beg me to take his friend to the Engen garage that was about 5km down the road. Now, I used to do this more frequently when I was younger with far less concern, but these days I’ve become cynical and paranoid, and the Gilb’s given me express orders not to give any stranger a lift, ever. But, cornered there as I was, I felt I had no choice but to oblige him, and take his friend to the Engen. The guy was chatty enough, but literally 1 minute into the journey he says “I’ve never had sex with a white woman before”. Oh God, I thought, he’s going to follow that up with “…and tonight’s going to be my first time.” Panic attack! I quickly diverted the conversation by asking why he wasn’t wearing shoes on a cold windy evening, we then got into talking business, and I… felt compelled to give him my business card. He did ask, what was I to say? Anyway, much admonishing from the Gilb later, I’m relieved to say that I’ve done my good hitchhiker deed for the next couple of years. It’s sad that we always have to think the worst of people, but I guess that’s the society (and to a large extent, the world) we live in.

(PS: chin up, dear Peasypoo, I wish I could be there to help cheer you up xXx)


At 10:10 am, Blogger Louisa said...

FOUR pairs of green shoes?! Good grief...and I thought I liked shoes.

I used to hitchhike a fair bit so I also have to resist the urge to pick up random strangers. Sad times...

At 10:40 am, Blogger Revolving Credit said...

I recall something about a laptop and Kirstenbosch gardens. The weathers great for it!

At 12:49 pm, Blogger Billy said...

“I’ve never had sex with a white woman before”


Im speachless.

At 1:29 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Heh, so I suppose it would be appropriate to wax lyrical about how great it is living down here right about now?

As an avid user of the mountain (I both hike and ride my mountain bike up it), a regular admirer of the ocean, and a lover of the forests between them, I have to ask the same question: Why doesn't everyone live down here?

At 3:59 pm, Blogger Third World Ant said...

louisa - green's my favourite colour, i'm not that bad! very low on bright blue shoes at the moment, quite stocked up on pink shoes, too :)

Rev - amen! It's not like I'll be any more deprived of internet/phones/power there than in this office!

billy - i was gobsmacked too. i've been told this a surprisingly large number of times, but never when i'm in the confine of my car, with nothing else but the person who said it.

martin - be glad not ALL the Vaalies have trekked down here, so keep that waxing to yourself or you might be convincing me to join you! will be making the most of the mountain, sea and forest during my 5-day trip, promise!

At 4:32 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

we don't live in cape town, cause even though it's absolutely gorgeous the property is seriously overpriced, there are too many foreigners(doesn't even sound like south africa when you're walking around ther) and the winters are dreadful...if joburgers lived there, no one would go to work during the winter months!!! we just wouldn't last! plus, if you live in the city cause you like the fast pace...cape town's not the place to going there on holiday though:-)

so glad i'm not the only person with a gigantic shoe fetish!!!!

At 8:39 am, Blogger Peas on Toast said...

Hey babe

I'm counting the hours till you get home. It's real quiet without you around. :(

At 9:24 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh oh oh!
Red peep toes!
From where?
I covet!

At 3:54 pm, Blogger Unknown said...

storm - amen! what a fabulous day i had yesterday, but how bloody miserable and cold it is today!

peas - missing you too babe, it's 24 hours till i fly back xXx

HPF - for your bank account's sanity i recommend you stay away from yde for a bit - there were two nice red peep-toe shoes, some nice gold ones, great green ones... the list goes on :)

At 4:15 pm, Blogger Peas on Toast said...

Thanks...Giovani...who are you ITalian person, and where is my flatmate?


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