Third World Ant

The thoughts of a little ant on a big planet.

Monday, March 05, 2007

SA’s gone as wedding crazy as Hollywood has gone baby crazy

I had two weddings last weekend, so had to do the mad dash from Gilb’s colleague’s one in Pretoria to my friend’s one at larny Glenshiel in Westcliff (guess where I wanted to spend more time, and not only because she’s my friend…)

This weekend started with a colleague’s bachelorette, in a few weeks time I have another colleague’s engagement party.


The bachelorette party was awesome – no cheesy woman selling sex toys you buy and end up using only once (like the last one I went to – the f&%*ing things take 4 watch batteries that get depleted with one weekend’s use) – just good old fashioned drinking, dancing, truth or dare, pass the parcel (I won those little plastic boobies you wind up and they hop around so naturally when I got home I showed Peas that we could make a jumping titty fuck with her little plastic hopping penis) etc. She’s an Irish lass, only been in the country for 18 months, so wasn’t expecting anyone to organize anything, so the hospitality of her SA friends really overwhelmed her.

One of the things they did for her (which I’ve subsequently learned is quite standard for these parties) is a video interview of her fiancé where they asked him questions about his feelings for her, and before playing it for us, tested her by seeing how well she knew what his answers would be. So, I decided to put the Gilb to the test, too:

Q: What’s your favourite body part of mine?
A: Your bum. [I thought he’d say stomach or upper arms, but, you know. A nice ass is fine by me. Incidentally, his bum – toight but still squishable – and his hands are my favourite parts of his body. Oh, and that ridiculously cute dimple on his left cheek. He gets away with murder because of that.]

Q: What’s your favourite dish I cook for you?
A: Burritos and that tomato-green pepper-tuna sauce pasta. “That’s it? Nothing more… unique, less replicable? My successor could whip those up in a heartbeat!” [my favourite dish he cooks for me, and this is an easy selection because I’m far less spoilt for choice, is toasted chicken-mayo-chili-cheese sandwiches. But he has a very particular, careful, time-consuming – pedantic even – way of making them that is adorable to observe. So long as you’re not starving, you’re going to wait far longer than is ever really necessary for a toasted sandwich.]

Q: What is your favourite thing about me?
A: You’re so cute! (And in response to my eyebrows raising threateningly)…And so, so hot! And you dance really well. We couldn’t have stayed together this long if you didn’t dance like you do. I wouldn’t want anyone else to have that pleasure. [yes, I know I dance really well. Dancing and spelling are the two things I beat most people on, but they get the upper hand on most other things. When Gilb and I first met (in a gay dance club, cringe!), he came up to me and told me I dance really well. I told him I know. It was a sure thing from then on. But, I digress. My favourite things about him are his kindness and gentleness, and how good he is with his hands – he’s a really handy guy who knows how to fix anything. That’s a huge turn-on.]

At that point, we gave up on the game and went and had sex. Unfortunately, both his housemates were home (in rooms on either side of his), so I wasn’t brave enough to try out the “Yeaaa-haaahh! Yeaaaa-haaaaah! Fuck me like it’s a dildo!” line, but there’s always next weekend.


At 10:58 am, Blogger ChewTheCud said...

Shoulda gone wild. He would have reaped much respect from his housemates afterwards ;P

At 11:31 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

*blush* ant!
I am planning my best friend's bachelorette for this weekend, and it seems i have made the horrid mistake of booking a lady selling sex toys.
but just to counter it, i also have a woman coming to sell jewellery, a night before wild-africa dinner (with wild-africa dancers) and a speedboat to tow us girls on the biig blowy-up thingy that looks rather phallic around the dam(can't remember what the thing is called). please don't tell mei've fucked it up?
Or rather, in the tradition of jewish Maids-of-honour. I've over-catered, haven't I?
Oh shit. Panic!
PS. thats the cutest post ever. Perhaps me and BF should play that game later, thanks for the inspiration, honey.

At 11:51 am, Blogger Third World Ant said...

Chewwie - much respect, or much derision?

HPF - oy vey! i guess the line 'to each their own' applies, right? in my humble opinion, you've crazily over-catered! I hope when the time comes, someone will put in that much effort for you. Either way, you're going to have a blast - a penis speedboat? That's hilarious!

At 12:03 pm, Blogger Insane Insomniac said...

bachelorette have got to be kidding me!!!

At 12:10 pm, Blogger ChewTheCud said...

Who derides someone who's just had sex and so obviously managed to please a woman when they haven't had any themselves? "Haha you had loud sex " "Thats right! And you didn't have any!"

At 12:12 pm, Blogger Revolving Credit said...

Is it wedding season or has there suddenly been a global outbreak of Nuptual Fever?

Is the past week or 2, Champs has bemoaned that fact that she needs to travel to and pay for some wedding or other,
Zuzula has cursed that fact that she has been invited to 2 weddings of the same day, but on different continents.
You seem to be having just as much fun.
I'm also attending 2 of 3 where I had to choose between 2 hosted on the same day.
Lucky fate has intervened and made the decision for me.
Between weddings and gifts and bachelors and all the travel and and and... me gonna be parting with a fair amount of cash.

Went one last month - the bride was 1hr 45min late ...these weddings may not be worth the intermittent stress/boredom.

At 12:36 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

These days you are either getting married or pregnant!!
Great Post!!

I had 6 weddings last year. More or less the same people at every wedding so I had to get different outfits every time!!

What’s even worst is... everybody asked when I am next!! Some people!! I am broke afer all the prezzies I had to buy so good luck!

Hot Pink Flush - Rather that than a Boring bachelorette! I had some shocking ones where the bride to be didn’t even want a drink!

As for the pleasure noises - I am too shy would not have been able to!! Ha ha ha!!

Have a great week!!

At 12:45 pm, Blogger Third World Ant said...

Insane - eh? Do you call it a hen party instead? Or, the now-defunct kitchen tea party?

Chewwie - haha! your girlfriend sounds like a deranged porn star! (still not embarrassed? The Gilb definitely would be!)

Rev - they're fun to a point. Up until this year, I've had none of my friends getting married, suddenly they're all dropping like flies. For close friends, it'll always be fantastic, but for those less important in your life (specifically your partner's colleagues' weddings), it loses its novelty quickly.

Somali - I HATE it when people ask "so when's your wedding?" I thought I was free of all the hassles when people stopped asking me "So when are you going to get a boyfriend?" As if! And carry on making what noises (or quiet muffled pleasure sounds) make you comfortable.

At 1:30 pm, Blogger ChewTheCud said...

there you have it. straight from the horses mouth as it were. "deranged porn star". i don't even wanna know what that sounds like. although it might top grunting ;P

At 4:48 pm, Blogger boldly benny said...

Hi Ant, this was such a divine post. My sister is super uncoventional and did not want a bachelorette/hen/kitchen tea but her friends are a bunch of kugels and insisted. They threw her a kitch party which she kinda giggled through but her favourite part was this game you described. My sister and her man are not at all romantic, they don't even celebrate their wedding anniversary but she loved this game and she cringed while she said she fell in love with him all over again.
Your description of your and Gilb doing it sounded like fun.
Oh and BF always tells me how cute I am, much to my eye-rolling and foot stomping!

At 4:53 pm, Blogger Third World Ant said...

Chewwie - if you've been spared, then you're lucky :)

Benny - I'm glad I'm not the only 'cute' girlfriend out there! I succeeded years ago in coaching him to say "hot, sexy and alluring" instead of 'cute' but it seems he's deviated again!

At 12:22 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

this virus is terrible!!! we seriously hafta find a cure!! i have four weddings four weekends in a row during April!!! i'm gonna be flat broke by the time that's over as i'll hafta do quite a bit of travelling

hope i don't catch it, don't have the time at the moment...thank goodness it's not really a threat...i mean you're supposed to have a bf to do that right?? and of course a distraction doesn't count as a bf? or i hope os anyway;-)

At 7:37 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow. Gilb is truly a sex god. I can't think of anyone else who can advance to the horizontal mambo (as opposed to a night on the couch) after a loaded question like "What is your favourite thing about me?".


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