Third World Ant

The thoughts of a little ant on a big planet.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Turn your fucking phone off!

What is it with people, who in the middle of a one-on-one business interaction with you – yes, that’s right, when you’re busy talking to them, in fact, halfway through a sentence they’re busy saying – will stop mid-syllable and take a phonecall?

I mean, if it’s that important, they will leave a message and you can call them back in 15 minutes. Unless you’re a doctor, or have excused yourself before the meeting started, by saying “I’m terribly sorry, I humbly beg your forgiveness for my imminent rudeness, but I’m expecting an important call from the President of Nicaragua, and I’m forewarning you that I will have to interrupt our incredibly important meeting for a few minutes to talk to him” then, I regard you with the contempt you deserve.

The dude who came to fix my laptop yesterday committed this sin while I was demanding that he explain to me why he hadn’t replaced my laptop battery when that was one of the two repairs I had requested from the company. He had the gumption to answer the call without even excusing himself for doing so.

But this dude has nothing on the beauty therapist who unbelievably answered a call mid-way through my first-ever pedicure on Saturday. Now, the irony is that my very poor command of the Zulu language strung together a sentence from a few key words of hers “client ukufonela 20 minutes” [okay, make that 3 English words plus one Zulu word which I’ve probably got wrong anyway] that made it clear that the person on the other end of the phone got no more information out of her than if they had not got through to her at all and had left a voicemail for her to respond to, a not-so-life-threatening 20 minutes later when she “ngifonela’d” them back. Eish. Oh well, I guess I saved R20 on her tip – which she definitely would have got otherwise, she did a damn good job of it, even if I have no prior pedicure experience to compare it with.

On the weekend front, as busy as I was social butterflying it up with people I haven’t seen in a while, I still managed to spend an inordinate amount of time pining for the Gilb. I thankfully did manage to impress two former colleagues with a butternut soup that I might have initially overmarketed to them, in a ploy to ensure they accepted my dinner invitation. The last time I made this soup was about two years ago, and I even had to call up the friend who gave me the recipe originally to remind myself of it (it did live up to its expectations, though. I’m pretty confident they were bowled over by the sheer… butternuttiness of it all).

And, I made a strange foray out to ESP at 2:45am on Sunday morning, which was a surreal bad flashback to my rave days. The people were as ecstasied-up as they were back then, except… they now had some wrinkles/slightly receded hair and didn’t quite fit into tight shiny raver pants that looked so damn good on them 3 years ago. It was an oddly depressing experience, because I had to acknowledge that I’ve grown older and that this scene is well and truly behind me, and that probably no amount of drugs could make me convincingly slip back into those overwhelmingly good times and forget, even just for a few hours, that times have changed and distinctly adult pressures now weigh on me – the greatest concerns in our lives as twenty-somethings far outweigh the panic around deadlines for varsity assignments, don’t they?

This depressing thought reminds me of another one that struck me about ten years ago at a dinner party my Dad was having with twenty-odd guests. There we all were, sitting around the table, when it dawned on me that most of these adults, well beyond their thirties at that stage, still had tons of kak shit going on in their lives. Yet, no-one really cared, or worse yet, they turned a blind eye to avoid the awkwardness: as a child, people show concern for your well-being, but as an adult, you’re expected to have it all together. Sure, your closest friends will be there for you, but by and large, people will ignore your problems. I could look at each of them one by one and because of my knowledge of their personal problems (thanks to my very gossipy father) I knew that their smiles were calculated strategic expressions rather than a true reflection of their emotional states. A’s wife, seated next to him, was cheating on him with B, sitting across the table from him – and A knew it, too; C’s family was in severe financial difficulty; D’s husband was in the terminal stages of cancer; E, at the age of 37, was in love with a gay man who would never be hers; and so on and so forth. I guess you could argue that these sufferings need to be put in context of the far greater sufferings of so many people in the world, but then W.H. Auden’s words in his poem, Musee des Beaux Arts, hold so true:

"In Breughel's Icarus, for instance: how everything turns away
Quite leisurely from the disaster; the ploughman may
Have heard the splash, the forsaken cry,
But for him it was not an important failure"

Enough of this dreariness, I’m just rather moody right now. More positive thoughts later this week, I promise.


At 10:13 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow ant.
your post really hit a ntoe with me today.
mostly cos I am feeling completely the same way
overwhelmed with a)the rudeness of the world
b)the way in which the world sucks up it's shit in spite of the fact that someONE (ok three) ppl around me refuse to do so (I might be feeling very trampled on by my shit at the mo, but thats not excuse not to act like a grown-u about it, right?) and
c)thank god for pedicures, although I avoid them in winter because, why and what for?

oh, and d) yay for winter soups.

oh oh, and e) ESP is still going? good god!

At 11:55 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

you're right the phone answering at inappropriate times is extremely annoying.

Do you know who gets me annoyed is people who sit in cinemas SMS-ing. Grrrrr! The light can be seen by everyone a-hole! I sometimes feel tempted to read the message and make suggestions about what the funniest response would be...I might just do that next time. ;-)

At 12:24 pm, Blogger Third World Ant said...

HPF - a) and b): both related, really - I suspect the 'rudest' people are those that don't act like grown-ups...

c) just felt i needed the pampering - got the gift voucher from the Gilb 2 weeks ago, so heck, why not use it now? Will be going more often in summer months, my feet look fabulous!

d) Amen!

e) Yip, but it's now in Randburg, where old Nexus used to be. Same clientele, from the looks of things...

Louisa - they need to put a signal scrambling system into cinemas! Brilliant! Failing that, I'm all for your intervention, though :)

At 2:04 pm, Blogger ChewTheCud said...

Ant - I'm prepared to cut people slack if they ask. Kinda like smoking in front of a person. Ask first etc.

Louisa - I raise you one crying baby. Cinema, Airplane, wherever.

At 5:56 pm, Blogger Revolving Credit said...

Ant, a sure sign of getting older when you're the one complaining about the noise the neighbours are making as opposed to being the neighbour having a raucous wild monkey sex marathon, isn't it?

At 6:00 pm, Blogger Third World Ant said...

Chewwie - then you're more gracious than I, dude.

Rev - well don't ask me, ask someone who actually has a boyfriend that willingly engages in sexual activities with them! (our neighbour doesn't seem to fall into that set either, by the by...)

At 6:19 pm, Blogger Revolving Credit said...

Are you actually pissed off at people who interrupt with umtimely phone calls or are you just manifesting a deeply rooted sexual frustration???

Maybe you should get a tight latex nurses outfit..wait, that would work in the you think that make those voortrekker kappies in latex???

At 6:23 pm, Blogger Third World Ant said...

sexual frustration... maybe. I dunno, I'm generally angry these days - I don't know what about, though. Could it be sex? I'll have to see whether the latex voortrekker kappie helps improve my mood. (well hell, sure it will - i'll be laughing at myself in that getup, i'd imagine Gilb would run very far, very fast...)

At 6:44 pm, Blogger Revolving Credit said...

Seriously, you been working your ass off only to now find yourself in the dog-box, you've had one of those 'shit, I'm actually getting older moments', you're feeling a little insecure on the Gilb front following the whole how to/no to , am I that bad a kisser thing, throw in a bit of ex-girlfriend comparision and the I not getting enough sex thing and hell, yeah , you're feeling a bit down.

So you're there a while and then get over it.

We've all been in the dogbox, of course some of us tend to live there and still survive.

Some things do get better with age like fine wine, our appreciations just change.(unlike us guysm your sexual prime is yet to come..cum???)

By your own admission, the kissing thing is improving.
There's a reason why she's an ex, not current girls friend

And the sex, just keep it interesting and exciting
(Tell him that one of your ex-boyfriends was better and see if he takes up the challenge...a bit of shoe on the other foot, so to speak)

Take a moment and savour life before it passes you by.


At 6:21 am, Blogger Heddles said...

ant, i've been having a read of your blog lately and like HPF, yesterday's post indeed struck a chord.

i am only 25 and fershitsakes, on days like today i am sick of buying into this adult pretence thing. maybe we have a choice - to accumulate kak in our lives and pretend everything's hundreds forever (being part of some warped ongoing competition) or to let it go and refuse to be bovvid.


At 9:14 am, Blogger Third World Ant said...

Rev - "So you're there a while and then get over it". Thanks for putting things in perspective - and, I ALWAYS laugh at your shit jokes, dude.

Heddles - we always have a choice, we just don't like the consequences. In my (current) line of work, giving any hint that everything in your life is even slightly less than 100% under control, is a sign of weakness. So for now I'm sticking with the "everything's hundreds forever" race, until I make a change (which will be in the next few months, guaranteed). In the meantime, maybe we should start a "Quarter-life flip-out" haven where we all just go for a month or two to forget the daily traumas. Or start a facebook group, at the very least...

At 10:56 am, Blogger ATW said...

It's straight disrespect, this phone answering thing. It says - well you're not really important to me. I'd rather take the call - even if you've been waiting & diarised this meeting with me for 2 weeks. Bit like having sex with someone while watching the news over her shoulder.

Freaky, actually read that Auden poem yesterday.

And re: the shit that surrounds us in our lives - I kind of agree no-one cares really about other people's shit. Well half of them don't, & the other half are probably glad that they're not alone. I just tend to get one with - life that is.

At 1:22 pm, Blogger High in Dubai said...

Hey Ant,

In the UAE people are just ridiculous when it comes to cell phone etiquette. I have been to entire movies where people have chatted non-stop and no amount of shooshing and please keep quiets even helped. At one point the shooshing became more of a hazard than the cell phone chatting!

The growing up thing is such a mare... I will be willing to invest in the quarter-life-flip-out zone anytime! It is sometimes just too much!


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