Third World Ant

The thoughts of a little ant on a big planet.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

I kill cute little puppies

The irony of the contrast of this post’s title with my previous apparently tree-hugging one is not lost on me, believe me. Once again, the universe selects a large unwieldy sombrero and shovels it down my throat. Oh yes creation, I noticed.

But let’s not let this be entirely morbid, for there are happy things to report too.

Spur of the moment birthday visits…

…are the type of event that end in puppy pancakes. An off-the-cuff decision on Wednesday morning last week saw me grab my toothbrush as I was leaving for work, and discuss later that day with the Gilb the possibility of me driving through to the Poenda that evening to celebrate his birthday with him. As luck / fate would have it, two things conspired to make sure it was possible for me to leave early enough to avoid the 4:30 East-bound traffic gridlock: my big boss wasn’t in the office that day, and my manager with whom I was meant to have a 2-4pm meeting was off sick. Score!

Delirious with glee, I zoomed off (minor setback: caught in traffic after all due to almighty accident on the N12) and reached the delightful town at the thoroughly respectable hour of 5pm. I was overjoyed to see that he was legitimately making use of his birthday gift (I’m all for practical gifts these days, so I got him a goose-down duvet with tasteful yet very manly duvet and pillow case covers, even matching ones for me so that when I come through carrying my own pillow as I usually do, I can match the ensemble too. Décor geek!).

Anyhow, not having packed anything more than a toothbrush meant that I had to go to Gilb’s chosen birthday celebration venue of choice – Alley Catz, a dodgy pool club – in my corporate power-bitch garb while everyone else was wearing jeans and t-shirts. Teetering around a pool table in stilettos does not do wonders for the poor soles, I must tell you (and does even less for your pool skills, I’m convinced). Substantial drinking helped dull the pain, and the girls and I developed a new shooter which we called “October 11th”. If anyone ever offers you one, for the love of your tastebuds, don’t accept. Jack Daniels and Dalgado (creamy coconut liqueur) do not a successful concoction make.

After a really pleasant late night out, 4:45am came all too soon, so bleary-eyed after far too few hours of sleep, I was cruising down a quiet road just outside the Poenda at 140 km/h, to get back to Jozi before the traffic became unbearable. Out of the blue, 3 golden retrievers appear less than 10m ahead of me in the middle of nowhere, sitting in the road. Not just any golden retrievers, mind you, but specifically the kind that have gorgeously groomed silky shiny hair and rich chocolatey brown eyes that warm your heart when you stare into them. In a cold split second I made a calculated decision: if I swerved, my momentum would still carry me directly over the dogs, and I’d not be able to avoid losing control of the car either. If I continued… at least the latter could be avoided. And so I did. Two of the dogs got out of the way, one (the youngest, naturally) didn’t. So I hit it, grimacing at the sickening dull thud, and in shock, burst into tears. What disappoints me is less my hitting the dog (its owners should not let them wander around near a highway), and more the fact that I didn’t stop to assess the carnage. My thought at the time was that since there wasn’t a house within sight, there was no-one to inform that I had murdered their puppy. And worse, if the dog was really badly injured but not dead, would I have had the guts to do the humane thing and put it properly out of its misery? (I’m quite sure the answer is no). What didn’t occur to me then was that the dog may have had a name tag, so I could have at least contacted the owners, or I could have taken it to a vet, got it ‘repaired’ and donated it to the Gilb pet fund (Peas and I are technically not allowed pets in our building, besides it’d be cruel to keep a dog locked up inside all day). So I drove straight on, dwelled on my depravity for the rest of the day, and then got over it.

Dress: circa 1980’s…

…the theme for the party I attended on Saturday night with Peas ‘n pals. My outfit consisted of a lumo pink wool mini skirt; a black three-quarter sleeved, round-necked, shoulder-padded, Blingola-sized gold-buttoned jacket; a thin purple/navy/white/pink/yellow satin striped scarf; and gold shoes. The look: Amway executive – cum – Alitalia air hostess (although to my thorough dismay I was asked twice whether I was French!) I was bombarded with the highly creative pick-up lines of “Can I have the chicken, please?” and “What’s the onboard entertainment tonight?” and “Are we there yet?”, but then I did little to stem this irritating line of questioning with my please-locate-the-nearest-exit-to-you and how-to-use-your-oxygen-mask and Whoah-there’s-some-turbulence-up-ahead dance moves. Trés kitsch, I know. (And thanks to a dare from Peas, I’m actually wearing the outfit to the office today – have already received a compliment, if you can believe it!)

What was awesome about the party was the attention to detail: the hosts had stuck a Twister mat onto a wall, and lifted someone up to play on it – sideways and airborne, of course; they had got slush puppy machines to serve slush margaritas from; a bout of impressive breakdancing broke out; someone came dressed as Jacques Costeau (a rather liberal interpretation of the ‘circa’ of the theme there, methinks).

A boys’ weekend of heavy drinking, smoking and some golf…

…leads to the best sex of your life thus far. Ever. ‘Nuff said. Perhaps I should not bitch about the Gilb’s birthday weekend gallivant to a golf resort with a whole bunch of guys (girls not allowed), but instead encourage it. Hmmm….


At 12:15 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ouch, the poor mutt incident must have hurt your heart a bit. Glad you've put it behind you. Did it once to a cat and had to leave a note on an old lady's door as she was out.

I'm not sure which visual is worse "a large unwieldy sombrero" down your throat, the lumo pink skirt and gold shoes you're wearing today, or the matching manly pillowcases.

Costeau (circa 80's?) I'm equally confused as to the association - well he was alive in 1980 but so were a billion other people.

You've probably started a new poenda trend. The "power suit pool hall" outfit. Pity you weren't in the alitalia gear - then you'd really have made an impression.

At 2:15 pm, Blogger Third World Ant said...

Judging by people's reactions - definitely my outfit today.

As for the pillowcases, I think they're postively fantastic (white with some red and blue embroidered lines down one side). I just have to add the word 'manly' in front of everything that the Gilb might misconstrue as being any otherwise. e.g. mancream = moisturiser, which I insist he uses.

Alitalia suit - probably would've fit right in, actually. This century's fashions have not reached Poenda's borders yet...

At 5:20 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...


At 9:18 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"although to my thorough dismay I was asked twice whether I was French!"


That's worse than being asked if you are German.

At 11:08 am, Blogger Third World Ant said...

CTC - you gonna report me, mister? (it is a mister, isn't it?) Wait till I find your ass and drive right over it... and maybe I'll reverse to make sure I did a proper job! ;)

Duzbin - I got no beef with ze Germans, in fact I quite like them. The French, however... ugh. Peas loved it! Oddly, the reason both people gave for pinning me down for a frog was the fact that I was wearing a scarf. Eh?

At 11:33 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Awww - don't be mean ant - how bout we go club some baby seals together 'eh? That'll make you feel better...

At 12:08 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree about the French, I don't like them. I have been to France, and have family there, but I don't know, I just don't like them.

The German part, I think I met you once, and you said I had a funny accent, and asked if I was a German...

At 3:03 pm, Blogger Third World Ant said...

CTC - i couldn't cwub a cutesy-wutesy seallie weallie! Uh-uh. but a huge bowl of chocolate icecream, with peppermint bits in it, drizlled in chocolate sauce would make me feel better. Mmmmm....

Duzzie - I must've pissed you off by asking about being ze German, eh? Vell zen you shouldn't speak like zem!

At 3:19 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

No, you didn't piss me off. I don't mind being called a German.

As I remember, I was at Happy Ackers (anybody go there), it was probably the first day, we where playing soccer, I tackled somebody, and kicked there ankle. They said I kicked like a German.

I don't think anybody on that camp ever got to know my name, from the first day my name was German.

Maybe you have a thing for Germans, and you liked me, so you where hoping I was German :)

At 4:04 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What kinda ice-cream? I see Häagen-Dazs is R19 a scoop - but it tastes so good!!! Will have to settle for Baglio's :(

At 4:11 pm, Blogger Third World Ant said...

At least you didn't dive like an Itye :) - that's my job!

(but you spell like a German, too: it's Happy Acres! Went there in Std 3 for a school trip)

Germans I definitely have a thing for, but then, who doesn't?

I get asked constantly if I'm British - a combination of the pasty white skin and my pronunciation of words like 'circumstance' and 'envelope'.

At 4:21 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know, my spelling sucks.

I actually put the comment through Word first, and that’s what it gave me, so you can imagine how bad it was...

I have been teased for saying things like There, and Where.

At 4:21 pm, Blogger Third World Ant said...

Oh yes! I forgot Häagen-Dazs had opened a store here! (is it just in Sandton, or do they have elsewhere?)

Oooohhhh goody! Now, if they'd just bring Ben & Jerry's...

Baglio's is probably not that much cheaper, any way. The difference is like Magnum vs Mega: no comparison.

All this ice-cream talk has got me salivating for one right now. Except... I have a meeting looming on my near horizon and can't leave the office to buy one first. Aaaargh!

At 4:25 pm, Blogger Third World Ant said...

Duzzie - you say "Zer" and "Ver"? Or was that just the Jam Jar interfering with my hearing ability?

At 4:34 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Only in sandton so far - it's doing a roaring trade. Dunno if its gonna last through a joburg winter though - but ice-cream does actually warm you up.

At 4:41 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I pronounce The Rs.

At 4:52 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't Joburg winter is that cold.
It's not as nice as summer, and for us, it is bloody cold.
But I was once in France for spring (never been there in winter), and that was cold. There spring was colder than any winter I have ever had in Jhb.

There where Horse Troughs along the side of the road, and they where covered in Ice.

I eat ice-cream in winter...
People drink coffee in summer...

At 4:52 pm, Blogger Third World Ant said...

CTC - ice cream in winter is the best. But, SA people have short attention spans when it comes to fads. I wouldn't be surprised if they (I mean 'we') lost interest after the first (more expensive) ice cream and reverted to the regular stuff. So, what's your flavour?

Duzzie - so you say "Zerrrr" and "Verrrrr". Sorry, i could go on like this for ages ;)

At 4:56 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Have a look at this...

At 10:06 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chocolate! The only kind of chocolate there is - dark! The darker the better!!! Although when i got haagen overseas it was the irish cream flavor - which is divine!

At 10:13 am, Blogger Peas on Toast said...

OK hello?? Some of us are French around here!

Fuckers. Furkers.


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