Third World Ant

The thoughts of a little ant on a big planet.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Jeeks, jeeks everywhere

Frightfully slow on the uptake, I wanted to tell you about the ‘Jeek’ Dinner Peas dragged me along to last Thursday, even though the hype has long since moved on (as it will, almost a week later!)

I do have a few brief comments to make on the event:

- Had a proud moment (every few minutes, in fact) when my blog was inexplicably shown on a large screen, along with some other blogs, although unfortunately always right after Peas’ one (it felt exactly like when you get called onto the stage for your varsity degree and the person before you has won all the prizes and their citation takes 5 minutes, while yours takes a mere 30 seconds). But momentary fame, nonetheless.

- Regaled to us was an awesome story about the power of blogging, as used in a world-first marketing initiative by our local wine label, Stormhoek. Read about it here. I was so enthralled with it, that I wrote an email to Wine magazine, recommending they write a huge article on it, noting that it certainly speaks to the young, IT-savvy market they are so desperately trying to appeal to. The editor’s response? “We have actually carried the story in Wine, albeit as a small news piece”. And this is a prime example of why the wine industry in SA has failed to cross the divide and appeal to broader markets than the dwindling population of wealthy old white folk – if the wine media can’t do it, then what hope can the winefarms have?

- Met a sprightly German fellow by the name of Heinrich, who begged me to tell you all about his downloadable cellphone cartoons. So to all 0.00000083% of planet Earth’s population who browse here, be sure to check out his cute little cellphone dude at Hope this helps, dear boy!

- Peas and I were constantly asked if we were really geeks (or jeeks, as the cool geeks call themselves). I mean, what? Do we look like cool people or something? Does a jeek really have to be heavily IT inclined to be allowed into the clan of the cool uncools? And for that matter, do we not look heavily IT inclined? (okay, there’s no fooling anyone on that last point, you just have to look at my blog template to convince yourself otherwise)

In other weekend news:

Had my first-ever dinner out with the Gilb’s family (he’s come out often enough with mine, which is predictably a rowdy, overindulgent and expensive affair). I tell you, getting conversation out of his father is like pulling teeth! I rattled on about everything and nothing to fill the quiet void, until unwittingly, he saved me by saying to the owner of the restaurant: “Hey, you go to Mozambique often – any advice for these two?” This dude then launched into a 45-minute lecture on everything from accidentally running over little kids (“Whatever you do, don’t stop! There’ll be trouble if you stop!”) to how you need to deflate your 4x4’s tyres to 0.9 bar when riding up steep dunes. He spoke all the way through dessert, until we politely stood up to leave. He won’t ever know how grateful I was for the arb information…

My Saturday was pretty moody, 100% caused by myself. 3rm had asked me a while back to check with the Gilb if we could all go to Lollipop Lounge (strip club in Randburg) on Saturday, and after the Gilb put up a protest about not really wanting to go (he’s never been before, claims he doesn’t see the point), I basically forced him into it. I even made him ensure he had enough cash on him to get a lap dance. But as the day progressed, I grew less certain of my own desire to attend with him, for two reasons: a) no guy would truly prefer to have his girlfriend present at a strip club with him, it would seriously dampen the mood; and b) do I really want to see some (probably frightfully hot Eastern European) chick grinding her pelvis on his lap? For reason (a) I declared that I would not be joining him, and would rather find alternative entertainment plans for the evening, but for reason (b) I got more and more sulky. Yes, it was irrational and inconsistent of me, but logic could not convince me otherwise. By a small miracle, the plans were unraveled due to 3rm’s large night out on Friday, for vague details of which, kindly refer to the following point.

Four of my single friends had napovers this weekend (and yes, J, staying out with him until 6am is pretty much a napover). I’m not allowed to say more, unfortunately – gagged, not unlike the M&G frequently is. The point is, spring is in the air, hormones are running high, and my whiney mates are all shacking up, for which I’m eternally grateful – just shut the hell up about there not being anyone for you on this planet, and make the most of it will y’all?

Notwithstanding my Saturday protestations, I’m having a particularly “I love Gilb to bits” pining week – the kind where his being in Sepoenda sucks unbearably. The one thing that will help me cope of course, is the fact that the dolt decided he’d spend this entire up-coming weekend – no other weekend, folks, than the one immediately after his birthday, which is tomorrow – with a herd of boys playing golf near Hartebeespoort Dam. So, like, um, I’ll just cancel the nice treat I had lined up for you, then. Sometimes two wrongs do make a right. Muahahaha!


At 10:23 am, Blogger Peas on Toast said...

All your single mates are shacking up - he he he, it must be spring! :)

And we're definitely jeeks. Of the most riduculously artsy-fartsy kind. :)

Love you guy

At 11:34 am, Blogger Third World Ant said...

It's going to be my turn to be jealous at all the summer loving my formerly single friends are getting! I need a week boyfriend to top up my Gilb for the weekends!

Art jeeks, eh? P'raps...

At 7:33 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

the proper etiquette is for the guy to buy his chick lapdances. the strippers uaually enjoy it more - they give freebies to chicks. and it woulda served you right if that had happened. draggin your poor boyfriend to a strip club! shame! what kind of man would want to see naked, hot women of dubious virtue anyway? ( on another note - he didn't want to go!?!!?! you MUST be satisfying ALL his needs)

At 7:40 pm, Blogger Revolving Credit said...

Ant, I nominate you as a wine jeek, someone who knows far too much about wine - most just know red or white wine, cork, screw top or papsak.

Not sure if it's rude to take a book to a family dinner, but an iPOD may be less conspicuous.

As for the strip club, maybe you should go there this coming weekend with 3rm. Kinda test the waters before the Gilb gets to go.
If he's spending so much time and money downloading porn on his phone, of course he wants to go, but does not want to appear to eager cause you may use it against him. Your a) & b) reactions are testament to the fact that his initial response was probably the politically correct one.

Glad to here that Peas is convertly *sign language message & secret handshake here* getting her groove on. It should spill over into some interesting blogging in the forseeable future.

As for the weekend ahead, be a jeek and chug some cab sav.

At 9:48 am, Blogger Third World Ant said...

Chewthecud - the last time I went to a strip club, I had four lap dances, one of them with two women. Cost to me = R0. Cost to friend of friend who accompanied me = R big bucks!

I'd love to believe your reasoning for not needing to see other hot naked women, but... read below in Rev's comment: the Gilb has a porn collection to rival Hugh Hefner :)

Rev - a wine jeek! (Still far off, there's plenty more to learn before I can enter the realms of true wine jeekdom... but I like it!)

An iPod would have been a blessing. Some people have no qualms sitting quietly in the company of others, I find it awkward when it's people you're not really close to. A good friend of mine once said that silence among company is only comfortable with truly great friends, and I couldn't agree more.

Hmmm... the Gilb might be smarter than I thought... the manipulative bastard! He's in the dog box now! such sly and cunning mind games are my realm in the relationship, and now he's encroaching on my territory...

Peas getting action? Who said anything about that?!


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