Third World Ant

The thoughts of a little ant on a big planet.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Who’s the biggest emitter of them all?

First off, happy birthday baby! Mwa mwa mwa mwa mwa mwa mwa! I spent a precious three minutes developing a work of art to mark your entry into the rank of the 26-year-olds:

Next up, an educational piece (I’m in the mood for personal knowledge enhancement, so bear with me). With all the hoo-ha about carbon emissions, the new buzzword is carbon footprints. So let me enlighten you all…

What is a carbon footprint?

Carbon Footprint is a measure of the impact human activities have on the environment in terms of the amount of green house gases produced, measured in units of carbon dioxide.

Carbon footprint = direct (primary) + indirect (secondary) footprint

The primary footprint constitutes our direct emission of carbon dioxide from the consumption of fossil fuels (for use in the home and transportation).

The secondary footprint measures carbon dioxide emissions from the whole lifecycle of products we use (during their manufacture and break down).

How do I reduce my footprint?

Primary footprint: aeroplanes = bad! Ground-based public transport = good! (and you all mocked the Gautrain, sis on you!). Bumming regular lifts with tjommies traveling the same route as you = good! Time to turn off the gas, sever your electricity connections and buy solar panels.

Secondary footprint: Bottled water = kak. You get quality water from your tap, so why encourage the unnecessary burning of fuel to make the plastic container and transport the stuff from Franschhoek to your mouth? Any food from another country = kak. For transport reasons (i.e. consumption of fuels) we should stick to food made/grown locally (perhaps the government should have used this excuse when putting quotas on imported Chinese textiles?) So local really is lekker!

This website lists a number of ways to reduce your emissions, most amusing of which is “See if your employer will allow you to work from home one day a week.” “C’mon boss! Do it for our planet!” Not in this lifetime, I’m afraid…

Third World Ant’s footprint is ginormous for such a little insect

Calculate your own carbon footprint

Seems like I’m naai’ing the world with my profligate use of a private car and holiday flights (the values for the secondary footprint have all been assumed by the calculator). Scarily, environmentalists claim that to stop global warming, the average individual carbon dioxide emission needs to be reduced to 2,500 kg/year. That’s a sixth of my current consumption! I’m going to have to ask to work from home from Monday to Friday at this rate! (I must say though, that scientifically, environmentalists are a dodgy lot – they fail to back up most of their claims with credible scientific experimentation. I certainly do not doubt the gist of their claims, just the empirical accuracy thereof).

So how now, thou polluting cows? I’m not sure myself – there’s so much talk about the need for global adoption of environmentally friendly processes, but no-one taking serious measures to cut their own emissions. The problem lies in the fact that being pro-environment is perceived to be expensive – operating cheap and dirty is seen to line the pockets of shareholders with much thicker wads of profit. Till that perception/fact is changed, I can’t see anything improving noticeably any time soon.


At 10:29 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ouch! Yes. So few resources, so much consumption! I confess that I always have grand illusions of trying to recycle and be more eco friendly which always get lost in the chaos of my life. But I guess that's many people's attitudes and we do need to start somewhere.
Happy Birthday to your Gilb.

At 1:00 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Ant

Happy birthday Gilb!!! All the best.

Unfortunately I enjoy motorsport far too much to comment on carbon footprint stuff. I do feel slightly guilty though.

At 4:55 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do McDonalds make food localy?

At 5:15 pm, Blogger Revolving Credit said...

Kinda puts a spanner in the works when planning to fly to Cape town for a day and working from Kirstenbosch Gardens.

For just $5 per month I'm sure there's a porn subscription you can get the Gilb for his B'day. Saves a ton when dialing those 34.... no's for downloads.

At 4:51 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

If we all farted less it would stop the buildup of dangerous gasses...

At 7:49 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

39,000 kg ! I'm a globe-trotter, what can I say :-)

I see what that site's about... they want to sell you a tree-planting scheme... for £9.49 per 1,000kg offset!

At 11:12 am, Blogger Third World Ant said...

Jam - that's the problem, it's so tedious to be eco-friendly. there has to be a better way to make us be less hazardous to the planet. Like enforcing recycling of household garbage, as some European countries have done. A decent public transport system here would go a long way to lessening our contribution to CO2 emissions.

Jon - thanks dude. perhaps one day it'll be biofuel motorsport? them machines will run on banana skins or some such?

Duzbin - do McDonalds make food?

Rev - :) Guilty as charged! As for the porn, I'm not subsidising his dirty habit! Although - I am making a trip to Luvland/Adult Worl this week to help my newly single friend buy an extra vibrator for herself. May treat myself to a video, and this time I'll have no qualms in forking out the extra R100/R200 for the high quality (a very relative term) stuff.

Deepfreez - thanks for the visit. totally true. But I don't think an attitude of "if they don't stop, I won't" helps any, either. I'm astounded by your Europe/China figure - wow. It's no surprise the two biggest culprits aren't too keen on changing the status quo, I guess.

Chewthecud - you laugh, but the principal criminals in methane emissions are cows. From their farts and poos. Learnt that pearler from a recent edition of New Scientist.

Thomas - all about the Benjamins, perhaps? :)

At 9:58 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The public transport situation in this country is in a shambles. 2010 world cup should be interesting...

My total primary footprint is 4867, not bad considering I drive 15 000km+ a year. Making the grand total 10 817. So on a whole I could definitely afford to burn more coal at home ;) Just kidding. I am the average UK person

Working from home, now that would be fantastic. Unfortunately a freedom I will not be experiencing anytime soon

At 3:35 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wonder if the crap we write in our blogs leaves a carbon footprint?


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