Love noises
Firstly, I apologise, I will have been talking dirty sex-talk on this blog for two consecutive posts, and it might begin to get a bit boring. Secondly, Peas and I had two sex-related conversations last night, so we divvied them up for our readers. And I think we’ve exhausted the topics, for the rest of the week, at least…
Ant: So I heard you last night.
Peas: [looking worried] What do you mean?
Ant: You know exactly what I mean… “Yessss!” “Ooooh!” “Don’t fucking stop!”
Peas: [aghast] Oh. Fuck. You’re kidding me!
Ant: No. We can ask the neighbours, too. Are you denying you screamed out “Don’t fucking stop!” last night?
Peas: No. I’m mortified. Did you hear Smoking Legs?
Ant: Nope, nada. It was pretty much just you, you know… grunting as usual.
Peas: *gasps* [indignant] I do not grunt! I… I… fucking moan appreciatively.
Ant: You’re right. Like a cow giving birth to a hedgehog.
Peas: I resent that. I am a sexy lovemaker.
Ant: *vomit reflex* I’m sorry, what? WHAT?
Peas: Shit. I meant “shag” in a sexy way.
Ant: No, I don’t think so. I could hear you weren’t “shagging”.
Peas: Yes we were.
Ant No you weren’t.
Peas: Yes we were.
Ant: No you weren’t.
[repeats ad infinitum]
Peas: Let’s talk about the noises you make, missy.
Ant: What? I don’t make any noises! I’m considerate, skank-ho.
Peas: Firstly, it’s “skank-whore”. Secondly, I’ve heard you, like 8 times.
Ant: What. Ever. Fine, what do I sound like, then?
Peas: aaaaaahhhhh yes! Yes! Aaaaaaaaahhhhhhh… [fading to the end]
Peas: Basically, you sound like a lemming on acid hurling itself off the face of a cliff, with that fading noise you’d hear if you were listening from the top of the cliff.
Ant: So I sound like a punctured tyre? A wounded bat?
Peas: No – louder. Much louder. And about half as sexy as me. Because I don’t grunt.
Ant: For the record, I’m denying your claims. I moan seductively, I gasp becomingly.
Peas: My ass.
Ant: Well, let’s record ourselves then, and play it back to each other.
Peas: That’s sick. But great. I’ll prove I’m not a labouring bovine, you’ll confirm you’re a suicidal rodent.
Ant: Fine. You want to hear the worst sexual noise? If I heard a woman doing this, I’d climb right off and walk out, starkers.
Peas: Worse than us? Bring it on!
Ant: [puts on porno – the same porno with my shoes]
Porno chick: Yeaaahhhh! Yeaaa-HAAAAH! Fuck me with that dildo!
Porno chick 2: Ohhh yeah! That’s a naughty pussy you’ve got! Fuck that dildo!
Peas: thank God we don’t sound like that.
Ant: It would be good for an experiment, though. Like if we were shagging Gilb and Smoking Dick and suddenly spoke like that.
Peas: What, like “Ohhhh Yeaaaaa-HAAAAH! Fuck me like it’s a dildo!”
Ant: Exactly. They’d be instantly revolted and would belt for the door. We should probably do it at the same time.
Peas: …and we’d run after them wielding our dildos! Hilarious.
Ant: Cool, how’s this Friday suit you?
Peas: Game on!