Third World Ant

The thoughts of a little ant on a big planet.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Big mouth, small brain

There is one lesson I just seem not to be able to drum into my head. And it’s an important lesson, which from time to time it burns me because of my big fat mouth.

Like today. Suffice to say I’m ashamed of myself, and it serves me right.

The lesson? Never repeat anything anyone tells you to any person that you would hate the original storyteller to find out you told. Complicated? Not really. So why can’t I follow this simple principle? Why do I feel the need to tell people things, knowing that there’s a risk the person who originally entrusted me with the information could find out and be disappointed in my need to gossip?

Arrgh. Bad, bad (and stupid) Ant.


At 9:03 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I suppose that means you can't say what you, weren't supposed to, but obviously did, say.

Also, if you don't tell anybody, then you don't have to consider the consequences on a per person bases.

Try practicing...
Make up stories, and not tell anybody :)

At 9:04 am, Blogger ChewTheCud said...

lol ant. You're gonna have to learn how to keep your mouth shut before you really hurt someone this way. Although if the repercussions are sufficiently painful enough to you, I find that that helps you learn a lesson very quickly.

At 9:24 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wouldn't worry about it. Once word gets out that you're a blabbermouth, people won't tell you sensitive stuff any more. Problem solved.

At 9:58 am, Blogger boldly benny said...

I blogged about a similar scenario on Friday - I always shoot my mouth off and then have to deal with the consequences. Whether I give my opinion which is unappreciated or when someone tells me something and I inadvertantly mention it in a group and then can feel the glares because it was supposed to be a secret! I need a mute button or a rewind button so I can undo awkward situations.

At 10:32 am, Blogger Third World Ant said...

Duzzie - can't. Too ashamed. It's work-related, not friend-related, though.

And your second point dawned on me too, after I'd written this. Although - you generally will confide in someone close (e.g. boyfriend/girlfriend) about many of these things anyway. Or is that wrong too? Sigh!

Cud - I'm surprisingly slow. What happens is you tell someone something for a reason not necessarily malicious, but it ends up seeming that way. Hopefully, this is the last time I pass on any stories. What on earth am I going to talk about now?!?

Kyk - that's what I REALLY want to avoid: I'd hate to think people won't share sensitive stuff with me. I'd feel so... marginalised then. (will happen anyway if I carry on like this, though)

Benny - ok, I'm one better off than you: I don't care if my opinion is appreciated or not, I'll give it anyway (though will always listen to someone else's opinion, too).

By the way, does the fact that I have a blog not automatically mean that I'm a gossip? Desperately having to tell my news to someone, even if it's not face to face?

At 10:58 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Telling somebody close to you something isn't always wrong.

If something happens at work, that shouldn't be spoke about, then telling a friend is fine, but you shouldn't tell anybody else at work.

Also if a person from one group of friends tells you something, it might be okay to tell somebody from another (but this can get tricky, the lines between circles can be blurry). But if a good friend tells you something, it might not be a good idea telling even your best friend if they are in the same circle.

Telling a boyfriend or girlfriend is different.
Firstly I think they would often come from different circles, and only know your friends through you (but this is not always the case).
There should be a trust in that sort of relation ship where you can share information and they would keep it to themselves. So unless you work for the CIA and they might get killed if they know the information, telling your boyfriend should normally be fine...

...I think...

At 12:48 pm, Blogger Third World Ant said...

Duzzie - from now on I'm going to try and work on your original advice of "don't tell anybody anything", with exceptions for the boyfriend (unless it's something someone explicitly asks me not to tell him - in which case I would never have done sone anyway) and those things that sometimes shouldn't be kept secret even though they've been asked to be.

I'm STILL cringeing today at the knowledge that someone mistakenly despises me. Fuckety.

At 2:31 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

well there you go - lesson learned. just think about that every time you're about to tell someone something.

At 1:23 pm, Blogger Katie Possum said...

**Cue dramatic music** Always fear, I am Foot-in-Mouth Girl!!!

I am the worst for blurting out the wrong thing! I accidently told my b/f the ending of the latest Harry Potter book because I was really traumatised by it. He doesnt even care that much about Harry Potter, but was massively bleak I ruined the ending of it.

I do this kind of thing all the time, especially about presents.

Eventually, you learn (the hard way) about not telling the big ones!

At 1:26 pm, Blogger Peas on Toast said...

Dude, the situation at hand is also a mixture of bad management skills NOT on your part.

At 5:28 pm, Blogger Revolving Credit said...

I think that 'oops' is in order.

At 11:51 pm, Blogger Third World Ant said...

Kate - meet "two-Feet-in-Mouth" girl!

Peas - she EMAILED me again! I ignored it, as I had to...

Rev - d'ya think?


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