Third World Ant

The thoughts of a little ant on a big planet.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006


My recent promotion has changed my workdays (and dare I add weekend days) quite substantially.

The average day thus far looks like this:

9am – 12: Admin
12 – 6: Checking over other people’s work, dishing out other people’s work, meetings with seniors/managers to decide what other work needs to be done
6 – 12pm: Doing my own work!
12pm – 12:20: every other day, mustering the energy to write up a new blog post.

I have a SPLITTING headache today, and I am starving. Why? I haven’t had the time to go do any food shopping, so I’ve spent the day living on Endearmints (yesterday’s lunch was equally fun – my 5 last cherry tomatoes).

I can’t WAIT for the weekend – another humdinger in the Poenda, where I can curl up in my boyfriend’s arms and feel mildly sorry for myself.


At 11:38 pm, Blogger Revolving Credit said...

Babe, major sympathies.
I find that I never get out the office for food, only to see clients. Luckly I'm able to coherse colleagues into picking up lunch for me.
Unfortunately sweets and chocolates only give you a brief sugar rush which leaves you feeling drained once it wears off. I trying getting some fruit about, just to tide me over. Try it, it's also cheaper than emergency snacks.

I'm assuming that your morning jogs/exercise has also been sacrificed at the corporate alter.
Chances are you'll start to feel run down a lot faster.

Remember that both the body and mind needsthe sustenance. Else you'll feel mentally drained, causing tasks to take even longer that they should and ultimately extending the working day and week even further.

Note that working hard is not neccessarily working smart.

At 7:22 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I could live on Endearmints.
We keep jars at home stoked with Endearmints and Tendermints.

But I do agree with Revolving Credit.
Look at the GI of the food. It indicates how quickly the sugar in the food is absorbed. The higher the GI, the quicker it is absorbed. Lower GI will give you energy for longer. If it is to high it can also make you feel week and dizzy.

At 9:19 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

We get biscuits with our tea on Fridays. Since I have to attend a lengthy project meeting every Friday I'm never in the office at tea time. I'll ask them to send you my share.

At 10:42 am, Blogger Peas on Toast said...

Yeah hon, when last did I see you anyway? Last week?

Do you think you can sustain this for the next few weeks, nevermind months or years? Burnout is epic babe, and I sure hope it doesn't happen to you.

I hope all manages to adapt and become less farzzling as time goes by - and don't forget to eat! Cazzo! Keep your energy up!

At 11:18 am, Blogger Third World Ant said...

Rev - misery loves company, so I'm glad(ish) someone else is in the same situation as me (sorry it had to be you, though ;) )

Yes, the jogs have been temporarily put on hold. and I totally agree with you on the working hard/working smart thing, unfortunately sometimes the two are not mutually exclusive.

Duzzie - they're bloody addictive, I tell you. The irony of my not having time to buy food to eat is that I'll end up putting on weight because of all the Endearmints I consume!

Kyk - Offer accepted! Send to P.O. Box 55555, Hungerville, Sandton-Ethiopia

Peas - hello stranger :) I actually snuck out of the office last night while my manager was in a meeting with the boss to buy food... and then never came back... and got monumentally crapped on thereafter! Sheesh!

At 8:52 am, Blogger Peas on Toast said...

Dude I still can't believe you got crapped on. Watcha meant to do, sit around till 1:30am and twiddle your thumbs?

At 9:25 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So sorry to hear you're wiped out Ant. You need to make some real time for yourself though, time that's not associated with work.
Hope your weekend if perfectly relaxing and as blissful as you hope.

At 9:04 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh man, u have endearmints! lucky u, we dun get much of that sweet in Singapore... haha, other than at the resturant Fish & Co... :p

-Just a Stranger-


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