Third World Ant

The thoughts of a little ant on a big planet.

Monday, December 04, 2006

Tis the season for fashion folly

It’s that time of the year – frenzied elbowing in a horde of shoppers frantically trying to get through their shopping list of Christmas prezzies. I decided to brave Suhnd-tuhn City on Saturday, dragging an unwilling boyfriend in tow, to put a serious dent in my shopping list (and in my wallet too, I might add).

Doing anything on Saturday morning was quite a feat, thanks to the revelry of the office Christmas party on Friday night (whose smart idea was it to choose stroh-rum based cocktails as welcome drinks? And all the tequilas? Eh?) Unfortunately, the Gilb’s party also took place on Friday night, so I couldn’t wear my smashing white-and-silver ensemble with reindeer antlers in the Poenda, instead I wore it to mine (and of course spilt a fair amount of the red stroh-rum devil’s juice down the front of the dress). Anyway, the point of this digression is that I woke up still drunk on Saturday morning, and decided to put on an outfit that I thought I could wear straight from Suhnd-tuhn City to the Christmas party I had that afternoon. This outfit consisted of: my fabulous new Vans shoes (black with pink hippo’s all over them), black with baby-blue trim Roxy hot hot hot pants (got to show off the Moz tan while it’s still there, after all), and a rainbow-striped top with a large porno hole nestled between my boobs, Fred and Elsa (the Gilb insists I wear a bikini top under this, so I automatically do, these days, so it’s no longer so porno, I promise you). Anyhow, he didn’t say anything until we got to the centre, at which point the shakes had begun to set in and I was feeling extremely sorry for myself, and had begun to notice the stares I was getting. “Did you dress in the dark this morning, Liefie?” he bluntly, yet politely, asked. Oops. At least I had the good sense to leave the reindeer antlers in the car. One Babalas juice (Kauai) and Danish custard tart later, I was feeling marginally better, and the shopping spree could ensue.

I was back to my normal scathing self (quite hypocritical given my hideous outfit) and had time to look around at the delightful creatures walking around Suhnd-tuhn City, which always brings a smile to my face. Exhibit A: the ridiculously long queue outside Haagen-Dasz. I mean, really. Sure, you have to try it if you haven’t before, but will you wait half an hour in a queue for a scoop of R19 ice cream? I’m willing to bet that in three months’ time, when everyone who’s willing to pay that price has done so once for the novelty, the shop will close down because they realize that the novelty wears off quite quickly for South Africans (evidenced by McDonald’s, Ratanga Junction too). Exhibit B: the kugel who was working at the shop where I bought Peas’ Christmas gift. For starters, I could barely understand her kugelly accent. Then, her nails were getting in the way of handling Peas’ gift without damaging it. But the absolute pearler was when she leaned over to pick up something and I saw the tattoo on the small of her back – the Bad Girl clothing range logo, complete with halo. Uuuuurrrrggghhh!

I emerged relatively unscathed from the present-fest (and might I add with some damn fine gifts in my Santa bag), then proceeded to another Christmas party where my weak resolve saw me switch from cranberry iced tea to cranberry iced tea and vodka pretty quickly. Happily, the hangover was nothing like Friday night’s; though I expect there are many lurking around the corner… bottoms up, folks!


At 5:29 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You left the reindeer antlers in the car? Pity. They would have been the perfect accessory to round out your outfit.

At 8:01 am, Blogger Urk said...

Of course they were left in the car! no-one feels "horny" after a big bender night

At 2:08 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Haha! I also woke up drunk on Saturday morning. Luckily too drunk to even get dressed.
Sounds like you were the least of the exhibits on display. That place can be so weird in such a normal way. I walked around Saaaandton without my beautiful heels after Winex. And I was stared at as though I was a long haired smelly hippie!

At 10:58 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

May Kuai never close a branch or remove the awesome invention of the Babalas smoothie from its menu. has saved my arse many mornings.

I'm skipping the xmas prezzie hunt as am on the other side of the world and so have no need for it! more egg nog!

At 9:31 am, Blogger Peas on Toast said...

Fuck. I'd better get a move on with my shopping!
PS: Bad boy tattoo. Oh my God. ;)

At 10:45 am, Blogger Third World Ant said...

Kyk - too much of a good thing, you know...

Urk - hehe. one of the few times I'm not!

Jam - events at the Sandton Convention Centre are my all-time favourite people-watching thing! At least you didn't spill wine down the entire front of your white dress!

Insane - lucky you. Spend all you can on egg nog, regret it the next morning...

Peas - OMG indeed! And hurry up and buy my present already, will ya?


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